Friday, June 2, 2023

Tuscany, Italy Trip 2023

Four of us (Mimi, Helen, Alice and Fei) decided to venture out to Tuscany, Italy this year for our annual outing. We had several LINE meetings to discuss when, where, and what to do there. We took this trip from May 14 to May 24, 2023. We had a wonderful time together, visited many villages, took photos of the beautiful Italian countryside, ate delicious Pici pasta, and shopped until we dropped.

The only issue we had when we arrived in Italy was the cold and damp weather. We did not pack enough winter clothes in our luggage. But that was not a problem. We bought cashmere sweaters and puffer jackets locally to keep us warm.

The sun came out in the second half of our stay. We had wonderful time sightseeing and reminded us about the movie “Under The Tuscan Sun” which was filmed in Villa Laura, located in Cortona.

On this trip, we ran into issues such as finding parking spaces, paying parking from a machine, filling gas using an automated machine at the gas station, and forgetting our parking places.  However, these were just small issues, and we conquered them all.

May 14, 2023 - Flew to Rome

Today, Alice and Fei flew Air Canada from Houston to Montreal, Canada and then took a connecting flight to Rome. Helen and Mimi also flew Air Canada from San Francisco to Montreal so we could be on the same flight to Rome.

Alice and Fei had a 5 hour layover at the airport. Fei used her Priority Pass from Visa to use their lounge. We enjoyed the hot meals and there were plenty choices of coffee, juice, tea, and hot water to choose from. We rested comfortably in their big chairs.

Later, we got a call from Mimi and Helen that they had arrived. We met them at the boarding gate with big hugs.  We have been planning this trip for over 6 months. We were all very excited to see each other.

The flight to Rome was smooth. Other than watching movies, we all tried to rest and get ready for the journey.

After landing in Rome, we hurried up to find the rental car office. Mimi is the brave one who volunteered to drive us around in Tuscany. So, Mimi and Alice (she is the co-driver, the one finding routes and giving detailed directions) talked to a rental car staff.  They finally settled with a Jeep with decent luggage space in the trunk. With 4 ladies traveling together, there was no surprise that we filled up the trunk immediately.

May 15, 2023 - Arrived Cortona

The drive to Cortona was ordinary; we even stopped for food at an eating place next to the freeway. Mimi is a very skillful driver with quick reactions. She drove like a pro and felt comfortable driving on Italy’s Freeway. Thanks, Mimi.

Three hours later, we arrived to Cortona and met Jeanette, the Casa Chilenne B&B’s owner. Actually, Mimi met her many years ago and stayed at her B&B. For this trip, Mimi highly recommended to us to stay at Jeanette’s place. We were there for 5 nights and truly enjoyed this B&B. Below is Cortona’s main square.

Jeanette was a wonderful host and voluntarily made reservations for us at Trattoria for our first night’s dinner in Cortona. 

May 16, 2023 - Visited Siena

We had an amazing breakfast every morning. Jeanette prepared coffee, fruits, eggs, bacon, and pastries for us. 

Based on our itinerary, we went to Siena today. The Siena Cathedral Monumental complex was easy to find. We purchased tickets and visited this Cathedral and the Piccolomini Library - The colorful artworks done more than 500 years ago are vibrant on all four walls and the ceiling.

Visitors to Siena can explore its medieval walls, visit the Museo Civico for a glimpse into Sienese history and art, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city's streets and squares. Siena offers a captivating blend of history, art, and Italian charm; making it a popular destination for travelers.

We also went up to the dome of the Cathedral to view the city from the top. We waited a long time for our turn. By then, the rain was pouring. We had to get back inside and call off the viewing.

With the heavy rain, we lost interest of sightseeing and decided to take a lunch break at Cafe Scudieri. We had some delicious pizza.

It was a cold and damp day. We needed wool sweaters and found a cashmere boutique next to our B&B. The store carries beautiful sweaters, hats, and scarfs. We all had a good time finding what we need. 

Since we had a big lunch, Alice and Helen decided to skip dinner. Mimi and Fei went to Il Cacciatore for light dinner of vegetable soup and steamed artichokes. They were delicious.

May 17, 2023 - Visited Lucca

Lucca is a charming city. It is renowned for its intact Renaissance-era walls, which encircle the city and provide a unique pedestrian promenade along the top. These walls offer splendid views of Lucca's historic center and are perfect for leisurely strolls or bike rides.

On our way to Lucca, we stopped at Neri Bellesi in Calenzano for lunch. This place filled with local Italians. We enjoyed our lunch very much. Alice loves cookies and bought 30 of them.
The city of Lucca is known for its well-preserved medieval and Renaissance architecture. Its historic center is filled with narrow cobbled streets, beautiful squares, and elegant palaces. One of the notable landmarks is the stunning Lucca Cathedral, dedicated to San Martino.

May 18, 2023 - Visited Florence

We went to Florence today by train. Jeanette arranged a driver, Enzo, to take us to the train station in the morning. The train ride to Florence is an hour and a half from Cortona.

Florence, known as Firenze in Italian, is a magnificent city located in the region of Tuscany, Italy. It is renowned worldwide as the birthplace of the Renaissance and is considered a treasure trove of art, culture, and history.

We wandered around the city and found a leather shop Benheart Florence.  Mimi bought a beautiful leather jacket.

Additionally, Florence is renowned for its cuisine and Tuscan specialties. Mimi's friend recommended a restaurant called Foody Farm. It offers superb modern Italian food in a fun casual atmosphere. It’s easy to find on the river near Ponte Trinita. We loved the food there.

After lunch we walked to the famous bridge Ponte Vecchio. This is an old attraction in Florence. There are jewelers, art dealers, and souvenir shops there.

Mimi found another beautiful leather jacket in a leather shop endorsed by Rick Steves. By then, we all were tired and got a Taxi back to the train station. By the time we arrived at Cortona train station, Enzo was waiting for us and took us back to our B&B.  

We had dinner at La Grotta tonight.  This is another restaurant highly recommended by Jeanette.

May 19, 2023 - Wandering Around in Cortona

Cortona is a hilltop town in Tuscany, Italy. It is known for its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and charming medieval architecture. Cortona is perched on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The town is famous for its Etruscan heritage, and visitors can explore its archaeological sites and museums to learn more about this ancient civilization. Cortona also boasts lovely churches, such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, and a vibrant arts scene. It's a delightful destination for those seeking a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.
We decided to stay in Cortona today. First, we had our usual breakfast and then ventured out strolling along a beautiful cobble stone street to do more shopping. Then, we walked to the Museum dell'Accademia Etrusca. 
It houses an extraordinary collection bringing together all the material discovered in and around Cortona since the 1700s.The museum collection can be visited in two sections: one dedicated to the Etruscan Academy, and the other centered on the most recent findings from the Cortona necropolis.
For lunch, we went back to Trattoria for Pici pasta and salad.

After lunch, the sky cleared up. We took many pictures of Cortona and a nearby park. We also tried the gelato store near our B&B.
Tonight, we were busy packing for our move to Montepulciano tomorrow.

May 20, 2023 - Moved to Montepulciano

With Jeanette's help, we loaded our luggages to our rental car. Wow, it already filled up most of the truck!  There was hardly any room for Mimi to view the back road. We knew right then that we would need to hire a driver to drive Alice and Fei to Rome airport on our return day.  

Mimi drove us from Cortona to Montepulciano in the morning. Montepulciano is a captivating town. It is renowned for its medieval and Renaissance architecture, exquisite wines, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

We have a scheduled wine tasting and lunch at Talosa.

Talosa was one of the first wineries in Montepulciano to undertake the quest for fine quality Italian winemaking. The Talosa Cellar dates back to the 16th century and visiting them is like stepping back time. The brick passageways contain a series of vaults where the barrels are placed. Visitors to this magical place automatically assume an air of respect or even reverence for the force of history pulsating these walls. The winery applies this same respect and reverence to cultivation of the vineyards and production of the quality wines. We tased 3 kinds of wines and had pasta for lunch.

On our way back to the parking lot, we ran into many issues of finding the correct parking lot. Finally, a lady in a near by wine store helped us out by driving her own car to find our parking place and our rental car.

Later, we checked into Relais Ortaglia B&B. Relais Ortaglia was once a seventeenth century farmhouse. The now completely restored Tuscan villa faces the stunning village of Montepulciano, greeting Ortaglia’s guests each morning with a sunrise that captures the glow of the village’s garnet red rooftops. 

For dinner, Helen booked dinner for us at OSMOSI - a Michelin Restaurant. The cuisine is mainly experimental, with a focus on imaginative dishes of the highest quality. We enjoyed the food very much.

May 21, 2023 - Science Drives, Visited La Foce Garden and Pienza

After our hearty breakfast which consisted of coffee (or cappuccino or latte), quiche, eggs, sliced cake, and pastries, we decided to drive to scenic drives according to Rick Steves' book. This definitely is one of the best ways to sample the beauty of Tuscany’s countryside. On our drive, we also have a scheduled stop to tour La Face Garden, thanks to Alice's effort of booking this tour for us. 

Villa La Face is a historic residence dating back to the late 15th century. In 1924, it became the property of Antonio and Iris Origo who created its now world-famous gardens. The harmony between buildings, garden, and nature makes La Foce an ideal example of Tuscany's architectural and cultural evolution in the 20th century.

After the scenic drives, we drove to Pienza. Pienza is a picturesque town located in the Val d'Orcia region of Tuscany, Italy. It is renowned for its harmonious Renaissance architecture and its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Pienza was redesigned and transformed in the 15th century by Pope Pius II, who aimed to create an ideal Renaissance town.

Pienza enjoys a strategic position standing high atop a hill, dominating all the Orcia Valley (a wide and beautiful countryside in southern Tuscany) with extraordinary views.

Back to Montepulciano, we were trying to visit the Temple of San Biagio (Tempio di San Biagio) which is located just below the town of Montepulciano. We stopped by, but it was too late to get in (they were closing the temple by the time we got there).

May 22, 2023 - Visited Volterra

Volterra is a charming town, it is known for its rich history, Etruscan origins, and well-preserved medieval architecture. Volterra is situated on a hilltop, providing visitors with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The town is famous for its alabaster craftsmanship, and you can find numerous shops selling intricately carved alabaster sculptures and souvenirs. Volterra also boasts several historical attractions, including the Etruscan Arch, the Roman Theater, and the well-preserved Medici Fortress. 
We ran into a shoe store called SP Unusual Shoes. We all bought many pairs. With our luggages situation, some of us shipped the shoes home. We also shopped at Maria's for belts, wallets, and purses.
Then the rain started around 3pm. We decided it was time to go back to our B&B.